Preparing for Your Procedure
Before your procedure
Preparation: Your physician will provide pre-procedure instructions that include restrictions on eating and fluid intake. Please follow these instructions carefully so your procedure can be completed as scheduled.
Plan for Transportation and Support: Ask a responsible adult driver to bring you to the Center, they must remain at the center during your procedure and drive you home. Your support person will come into the recovery room to listen to and sign your discharge instructions and escort you home. If you do not have a support person to drive you home, your procedure may be cancelled.
Plan for Support at Home: You will also need someone with you for the first 24 hours after you return home while you recover from medications.
Plan your whole day away from normal activities: Your procedure, including check-in and recovery time, will last two to three hours. Because of the medications you receive, you will be unable to drive or return to work the same day. Please make arrangements for child-care – our Center reception or recovery areas are not designed to accommodate children.
Get Pre-Procedure InstructionsWhat to expect the day of your procedure
To make your experience go smoothly, please:
- Bring your completed health history form (this is available under the FORMS section).
- Bring a list of your current medications you are taking.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing.
- Bring your health insurance card and a photo ID.
- Leave any jewelry or other valuables at home. No cell phones are allowed in the patient care areas.
- All women of child bearing age should be prepared to provide a urine sample.
When you arrive, the Center staff will greet you and help you complete your registration. You will be escorted to a room, change into a patient gown and an IV will be started. Your physician will talk to you about your procedure and what to expect.
After your endoscopy procedure, you will be taken to the recovery room. When you are ready, your physician will discuss your test results with you and your support person. The nurse will be available to answer your questions and provide more information. If you need any follow-up appointments or procedures, our staff will help arrange them for you.